Meet the Finalists in Latin America and the Caribbean
Fundacao Neotropica do Brasil
Fundação Neotropica do Brasil seeks to use a free app called 'ALERTA' with its geospatial database to engage the general public and help enforcement agencies combat the illegal wild bird trade in Brazil. Through ALERTA, citizens will be able to report activities related to the illegal trade of Psittacine birds, helping enforcement agencies to track, monitor and end the illegal parrot trade.
Problem Area: Detect Transit Routes: Monitoring and Detection
Stage of Innovation: Product Development
WebConserva’s platform uses digital marketing, mobile technology, and the internet to allow people to participate actively in wildlife protection by reporting damages to the environment, which are then transmitted to the competent authorities. It also serves as a channel to educate, raise awareness and encourage public participation.
Problem Area: Detect Transit Routes: Wildlife Trafficking over the Internet
Stage of Innovation: Product Development